Do antibiotics make you feel drowsy and lethargic

Does Penicillin Make You Drowsy Do Antibiotics Make You Tired
Do Penicillin (antibiotics) make you feel.
29.02.2008 · Best Answer: They can be lethargic after their vaccines, but if they are vomiting or if they have any swelling (usually in the face) you need to call your
adjective, drow·si·er, drow·si·est. 1. half-asleep; sleepy. 2. marked by or resulting from sleepiness. 3. dull; sluggish. 4. inducing lethargy or sleepiness

Do antibiotics make you feel drowsy and lethargic
Askville Question: why do I feel like my eyes are so heavy even after sleeping real good? : HealthDo antibiotics make you feel drowsy and lethargic
Do puppies feel ill after they have had.
30.05.2010 · Best Answer: It sounds more like a sign of the infection. Infections make you tired, sluggish, not as energetic, relaxed, etc. Once the infection is Urinary tract infection - adults:.
why do I feel like my eyes are so heavy.
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