breasts hurt more during period than during pregnancy

Breast tenderness before period vs. early. Answer (1 of 6): Having sore or swollen breasts prior to your period is a fairly common problem among women and it is therefore not something that you should worry
21.02.2009 · Best Answer: Well, I've never been pregnant..but if you're experiencing breast tenderness and pain this month in a way you never have before then I
Why Breasts Hurt During PMS - Fitness,.
PMS is a party and a half, isn't it ladies? We break out, have crazy mood swings, crave sweet and salty treats, become exhausted, get major menstrual cramps, have
Just before your period is the time of the highest level of estrogen, which is the primary female hormone. Estrogen regulates the female reproductive system. Breasts

Why Do My Breasts Hurt Two Weeks Before.
Why Do My Breasts Hurt Two Weeks Before.
breasts hurt more during period than during pregnancy
Ovulation Frequently Asked Questions.
breasts hurt more during period than during pregnancy
31.03.2012 · Best Answer: Breast tenderness can be explained as pain, soreness or any discomfort in the breasts. Also, breast tenderness is generally associated with
Why do breasts hurt before your period.
Why does my breasts hurt so bad before I.